About Systecon

About Systecon

Performance and cost – that is what it boils down to. In all contexts and projects where Systecon and Opus Suite are involved, the common denominator is the drive to increase cost effectiveness. This is usually the case for a fleet of systems, for example, fighter jets, naval ships, rail vehicles or wind turbines. We provide our clients with expertise, know-how and the world’s most competent LCM analytics platform, making it possible to optimize the technical design, operations and support solution, so that availability, sustainability and flexibility can be achieved at the lowest possible cost.

Cost effectiveness is key for any organization that operates, produces or maintains advanced technical systems. In every industry and scenario, there are differences in how this is defined and monitored. For rail transports, this may involve balancing the requirements for punctuality and regularity against total costs. In the energy sector, it may involve minimizing disturbances to production while ensuring  required margins are kept. In the defense industry, the focus may be on maximizing readiness and availability at an affordable total cost of ownership.

The challenge is rarely about agreeing on the need for cost effectiveness and life cycle management, but rather, about how to achieve and sustain it. With advanced technical systems, demanding operational requirements, and complex maintenance solutions, there are many factors and variables to account for, each of which has its own impact on performance or cost, or both. Time perspectives are typically long, and often the aim is to predict and analyze how performance and cost are expected to develop through a life cycle of ten, thirty, or even fifty years. It is no easy challenge to find solutions in which all the key parameters are, with a holistic long-term perspective, optimally adjusted for cost effectiveness.

It is these types of challenges that are the reason Systecon was founded almost 50 years ago. Today, Systecon and Opus Suite provide industry leaders world-wide with the capability to excel in optimization and decision-making, enabling clients to design, develop, procure and implement solutions that are cost effective throughout the life cycle.

  • The Opus Suite is unrivalled as an analytics platform for modelling, optimization, simulation and cost analysis, making it possible to optimize and analyze any scenarios, from small conceptual studies, to the largest and most complex and demanding technology programs in the world.
  • Systecon has the expertise, know-how and experience from hundreds of projects and applications, allowing us to provide our clients with guidance, methodology, training courses, and support as needed, to succeed with life cycle management of technical systems. 


The capabilities provided by Systecon and Opus Suite are equally applicable across the entire systems life cycle, from concept development and procurement, to verification and implementation, to operations and maintenance, and finally, phase-out and replacement. Systecon is involved in some of the most complex technology projects around the world, and on a daily basis, along with the Opus Suite, facilitates informed decisions at organizations all over the world, in different industries, and in situations and application areas.