Success Management

We want you to reap the full benefits of Opus Suite within your organization. In other words, that you get relevant and reliable decision support for all major LCM-related questions, and that it can be provided quickly and efficiently based on the best available data. Systecon’s success management services are tailored to help our clients reach that position.

Systecon provides different service concepts suited to our clients’ different needs, objectives and time perspectives. For organizations aiming to build or strengthen LCM capabilities on a broader scale, Success Management is an ideal choice. It is not a fixed one-size-fits-all package, but a customizable efficient and proven approach for establishing complete in-house LCM-analytics capabilities for a client.

While Opus Suite provides all the analytical power needed to excel in life cycle management of systems, other qualities are equally essential. Both analytics related abilities like model building, validation of accuracy and results interpretation, and other factors related to the management strategy and information supply are important keys to success (see LCM corner stones). The Success Management service concept is all about helping clients get all those capabilities in place.

Systecon’s experienced consultants and analytics experts provide guidance and services to ensure that the “LCM corner stones” are quickly and efficiently established within your organization. We will work with you to understand your objectives, priorities and challenges, before jointly creating an implementation plan. The first goal is to swiftly get up to speed and start generating business value in priority areas, then expand and continue to build a complete LCM capability.

Every organization is unique and has its unique needs and processes. However, over the years, we have found that three interdependent factors form a universal key for a successful LCM-implementation: the ability to make the most of available data, a powerful analytical capability and an understanding and commitment to LCM and cost effectiveness in the organization

We will be happy to explain further, and discuss how we can help you succeed with life cycle management.


If you are primarily interested in one of the capabilities below, rather than complete LCM analytics, you may be interested to also consider the service concepts Capability enabler and Fast Track.


Find out more about the decision support Opus Suite can provide to your organization.

Contact Systecon today