Meet Systecon at Icas
The International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) Congress is returning to Stockholm after 32 years, and Systecon will participate and exhibit at the venue - Pay us a visit at exhibition level 4, at the Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre, 5-8th of Sept.

Cost efficiency
In all contexts and projects where Systecon and Opus Suite are involved, the common denominator is the drive to increase cost effectiveness. Cost efficiency has been central in Aeronautics since the dawn of the business. Data driven decision making based on an analytical Life Cycle Management approach has never been more relevant. To make the most of available resources is the core capability of Opus Suite, thus an obvious and essential contributor to aeronautical science.

Mikael Löfgren

Oskar Tengö

Lina Ekelin

Anders Carlsson

Magnus Andersson