
The Three Cornerstones of Life Cycle Management

18 December 2017

To fully realize the potential of Life Cycle Management (LCM), the three cornerstones need to be in place – strategy, information and analysis. These cornerstones form the basis of Systecon’s analytic approach to LCM, which gives decision makers worldwide the ability to foresee the future effect of alternatives and navigate projects towards increased cost effectiveness.

To fully realize the potential of Systems Life Cycle Management, the three cornerstones need to be in place – strategy, information and analysis. These cornerstones form the basis of Systecon’s analytic approach to LCM, which gives decision makers worldwide the ability to foresee the future effect of alternatives and navigate projects towards increased cost effectiveness.

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you are frustrated by not having enough knowledge to make the right decision even though you are overwhelmed by information on details and know what you want to achieve? It could be when making a large investment decision at work, when buying a new car or even such a simple thing as selecting the right insurance policy when renting a car.

The common denominator between these situations is that the information is often available but not in a form that helps you to make that decision. In order to make the right decision it must be simple to take the data or information, use analysis to enhance the data to knowledge and finally trust that knowledge so that you can and will base your decisions on it.

Lack of such knowledge is what keeps you awake at night after making decisions that you can only hope was the right one. The right information must form the base for analysis that influences your strategy to finally land in the right decision.


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The Three Cornerstones of LCM

To fully realize the potential of Systems Life Cycle Management, the three cornerstones need to be in place – strategy, information and analysis. These cornerstones form the basis of Systecon’s analytic approach to LCM, which gives decision makers worldwide the ability to foresee the future effect of alternatives and navigate projects towards increased cost effectiveness. Better decision-making is enabled by iteratively enhanced and aggregated knowledge, which is based on the latest and best information available.

If you leave out information, you will base your decision on just generalized ideas. If you leave out the analysis, you will not know which information that is significant enough to base your decision on. And if you do not have any strategy or goal, the analysis can never guide you in the right direction. 

Close the loop, and get the organization to embrace the results

The aim of our LCM approach is to close the loop between new ideas, concepts or information and management decisions and implementation by providing seamless integration with analytical capability. Accurate and adequate models of the scenario at hand are populated with the latest applicable data so that the consequences of each decision on cost and expected readiness can be predicted as accurately as possible. Procedures and information channels should be adopted so that the organization can embrace the results and decisions and quickly respond to changes in concepts in the technical, operations and support systems. By doing this, the right decisions can be made when they are needed thereby providing maximal business value.

Learn more about Systecon’s analytical approach to LCM

Our Executive Life Cycle Management Program in Stockholm is a great opportunity to learn more about the anytical approach to LCM. Quick overview:

Executive Life Cycle Management Program in Stockholm: Decision makers attending this program will obtain a thorough understanding of Life Cycle Management (LCM) in general, working with the three cornerstones and the analytical element in particular.
More information and how to register

For questions, please contact Olle Wijk