Increased interest in decision support and Life Cycle Management
Sharing our knowledge is a given for us at Systecon, and we are happy to see a growing interest in our areas of expertise. We regularly conduct seminars and courses worldwide, with participants from more and more countries around the world. And in the fall we are launching a brand new course: Executive Life Cycle Management Program aimed at organizations, decision makers and product managers seeking more knowledge within decision support and Life Cycle Management.
Sharing our knowledge is a given for us at Systecon, and we are happy to see a growing interest in our areas of expertise. We regularly conduct seminars and courses worldwide, with participants from more and more countries around the world. And in the fall we are launching a brand new course: Executive Life Cycle Management Program aimed at organizations, decision makers and product managers seeking more knowledge within decision support and life cycle management.
Opus Suite user group meetings in Stockholm and Washington DC
Opus Suite user group seminars were held in both Stockholm and Washington, D.C. in April. These two seminars were similar in size and content. However, it was the first time an Opus Suite user group seminar was held in the U.S. while the Scandinavian user group seminar in Stockholm has been an annual event for over 20 years.
The user group seminar in Stockholm for Scandinavian Opus Suite users and other interested parties has been held annually since the early 1990s. The theme of this year’s seminar was “Increased operative capability with control over the Total Ownership Cost,” and the program offered several presentations related to this topic. Some addressed theory and methodology for succeeding with this objective through the product life cycle. Others offered a more applied focus, showing how Opus Suite can be used to generate decision support in different relevant situations. For example, Saab Support & Services gave a presentation on how SIMLOX was used in the early conceptual design phase to ensure high availability and endurability in an unusually demanding application.
Furthermore, new functionality in the latest release of Opus Suite 2016 was introduced and demonstrated. Some 60 people representing BAE Systems, Bombardier, Danish Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation, GKN Aerospace, Husqvarna, Saab Defence, Swedish Defence Materiel Administration, Swedish MoD, Stockholm Public Transport and Wallenius Shipping, among others, attended the seminar.
Robert Hell, Systecon’s President, talks about life cycle management at the seminar in Stockholm.
In Washington D.C., as it was the first user group seminar in the US, we held an inaugural event. It will hopefully become an annual event as the number of customers and Opus Suite users is quickly increasing in North America. The agenda was similar to the one in Stockholm, but also included customer presentations from US Navy Sea Systems Command and from the consultancy company Andromeda Systems Inc., who presented how Opus Suite is used in a very large current fighter jet program. Furthermore, there were presentations on how to model reliability block diagrams in SIMLOX and how to use CATLOC for financial risk management. This seminar also attracted around 60 representatives from companies such as BAE Systems, General Atomics, Raytheon and Textron, as well as the US Army, the US Marine Corps and the US Navy.
Tomas Eriksson, Systecon’s Head of Development, speaks on different perspectives on performance at the seminar in Washington D.C.
Opus Suite courses attract many participants
We are noticing a growing interest in decision support for cost-effective systems logistics solutions, Systems Life Cycle Management and Life Cycle Costing. This is particularly noticable in the number of participants at our Opus Suite courses during the spring. We have had participants from Sweden, Italy, Spain and Germany on our SIMLOX and CATLOC courses in Stockholm.
A group of happy Opus Suite users at Systecon’s office in Stockholm
Executive Life Cycle Management Program set for September 27-29
Life Cycle Management (LCM) is about finding the optimal balance between the demands of production and availability performance, and the resources needed, regardless of whether you are facing strategic decisions, procurement of a new system or simply want to streamline your business. Our Executive Life Cycle Management Program will help you as a decision maker to gain analytical power and make sophisticated analyses to reach your LCM objectives: maximum system efficiency at minimal cost.